Es mirando hacia atr s que entiendes lo que est s viviendo hoy, porque sin entender los errores cometidos no tendr s razones para cambiarlos. En Y c mo llegamos hasta aqu ?, Cathy Scheraldi presenta una visi n de la historia de la humanidad para explicar qu ha tra do a este punto de confusi n como sociedad moderna. Si el Jard n del Ed n era perfecto, entonces c mo llegamos a la confusi n de hoy? Por qu todo est tan corrompido? Cuando lees el peri dico o escuchas los anuncios, te has preguntado: y c mo llegamos hasta aqu ? Parece que, en tan solo unos a os, el mundo ha cambiado tanto que ahora es pr cticamente irreconocible! El anhelo de la autora es que, con este libro, puedas reconocer y combatir las mentiras del mundo en el que vives. Porque si no logras diferenciar las mentiras ni entenderlas desde la verdad, corres el riesgo de malinterpretarlas y aceptarlas como buenas. La Palabra no solo es poder de salvaci n, sino tambi n el poder por el cual Dios toma a quienes eran Sus enemigos, a quienes estaban muertos en sus pecados, y los convierte en Sus guerreros. Y aunque a n tienes un enemigo astuto, Dios, en Su gracia, lo ha derrotado en la cruz. Ahora puedes tener victoria porque Dios gana tus batallas. La oraci n es que este libro sea usado por el Se or para que muchos ojos sean abiertos y para que seas el soldado valiente que l desea. Manos a la obra! Looking back helps us understand what we are experiencing today because without understanding our mistakes, we will not be able to change them. In How Did We Get Here? Cathy presents a vision of humanity's history to explain what has brought us to this point of confusion as a modern society. If the Garden of Eden was perfect, how did we get to today's confusion? Why is everything so corrupt? When you read the newspaper or listen to the advertisements, have you asked yourself how we got here? The world has changed so much in just a few years and is practically unrecognizable! The author desires that with this book, you can recognize and combat the lies of the world in which we live. You need to differentiate the lies or understand them from the truth to avoid misinterpreting them and accepting them as good. The Word is not only the power of salvation, but it is the power by which God takes those who were His enemies, those who were dead in our sins, and turns us into His warriors. And although we still have a cunning enemy, God in His grace has defeated him at the cross, and now we can have victory because our God wins our battles. The prayer is that this book will be used by our Lord so that our eyes will be opened and we will be the brave soldiers He desires. Let's get to work!